SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Axis Banking & PSU Debt Reg Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1038.4402
24-02-2025 1038.2003
21-02-2025 1039.0596
20-02-2025 1038.814
18-02-2025 1038.5286
17-02-2025 1038.2003
14-02-2025 1038.5725
13-02-2025 1038.3313
12-02-2025 1038.3649
11-02-2025 1038.5675
10-02-2025 1038.2003
07-02-2025 1039.1996
06-02-2025 1039.7503
05-02-2025 1039.2324
04-02-2025 1038.3088
03-02-2025 1038.2003
31-01-2025 1038.9332
30-01-2025 1038.8731
29-01-2025 1038.512
28-01-2025 1038.4657
27-01-2025 1038.2003
24-01-2025 1039.4455
23-01-2025 1039.242
22-01-2025 1039.4399
21-01-2025 1038.8222
20-01-2025 1038.2003
17-01-2025 1039.8769
16-01-2025 1039.7052
15-01-2025 1038.3624
14-01-2025 1037.6683
13-01-2025 1037.3702
10-01-2025 1038.4474
09-01-2025 1038.2633
08-01-2025 1038.481
07-01-2025 1038.5933
06-01-2025 1038.2003
03-01-2025 1039.2421
02-01-2025 1038.9635
01-01-2025 1038.8602
31-12-2024 1038.7848
30-12-2024 1038.2003
27-12-2024 1038.8166
26-12-2024 1038.4404
24-12-2024 1038.0606
23-12-2024 1038.2003
20-12-2024 1037.6459
19-12-2024 1037.6532
18-12-2024 1038.3529
17-12-2024 1038.0688
16-12-2024 1038.2003
13-12-2024 1038.4278
12-12-2024 1038.4302
11-12-2024 1038.536
10-12-2024 1038.5606
09-12-2024 1038.2003
06-12-2024 1039.1258
05-12-2024 1039.7475
04-12-2024 1039.2739
03-12-2024 1038.5636
02-12-2024 1038.2003
30-11-2024 1040.0027
29-11-2024 1039.8178
28-11-2024 1038.9236
27-11-2024 1038.5862
26-11-2024 1038.477
25-11-2024 1038.2003
22-11-2024 1038.3916
21-11-2024 1038.4887
19-11-2024 1038.5112
18-11-2024 1038.2003
14-11-2024 1038.0944
13-11-2024 1038.3312
12-11-2024 1038.3314
11-11-2024 1038.2003
08-11-2024 1039.2278
07-11-2024 1038.6993
06-11-2024 1038.3183
05-11-2024 1038.2855
04-11-2024 1038.2003
31-10-2024 1039.4091
30-10-2024 1039.2128
29-10-2024 1038.5778
28-10-2024 1038.2003
25-10-2024 1038.9056
24-10-2024 1038.7657
23-10-2024 1038.3243
22-10-2024 1037.8385
21-10-2024 1038.2003
18-10-2024 1038.3408
17-10-2024 1038.6033
16-10-2024 1038.5986
15-10-2024 1038.5385
14-10-2024 1038.2003
11-10-2024 1040.6307
10-10-2024 1040.3735
09-10-2024 1040.257
08-10-2024 1038.9174
07-10-2024 1038.2003
04-10-2024 1038.4353
03-10-2024 1038.9817
01-10-2024 1038.9528
30-09-2024 1038.2003
27-09-2024 1039.2664
26-09-2024 1039.4417
25-09-2024 1038.9077
24-09-2024 1038.4781
23-09-2024 1038.2003
20-09-2024 1039.6837
19-09-2024 1039.3076
17-09-2024 1038.1578
16-09-2024 1038.2003
13-09-2024 1039.7625
12-09-2024 1039.2321
11-09-2024 1038.991
10-09-2024 1038.31
09-09-2024 1038.2003
06-09-2024 1039.181
05-09-2024 1039.0205
04-09-2024 1038.9021
03-09-2024 1038.5393
02-09-2024 1038.2003
31-08-2024 1039.3339
30-08-2024 1039.1453
29-08-2024 1039.1089
28-08-2024 1038.7207
27-08-2024 1038.5006
26-08-2024 1038.2003
23-08-2024 1039.2151
22-08-2024 1039.0499
21-08-2024 1038.6834
20-08-2024 1038.5485
19-08-2024 1038.2003
16-08-2024 1039.2434
14-08-2024 1038.9314
13-08-2024 1038.6145
12-08-2024 1038.2003
09-08-2024 1038.5395
08-08-2024 1038.4513
07-08-2024 1038.3722
06-08-2024 1038.0685
05-08-2024 1038.2003
02-08-2024 1039.0691
01-08-2024 1038.6424
31-07-2024 1038.1958
30-07-2024 1038.2097
29-07-2024 1038.2003
26-07-2024 1039.7786
25-07-2024 1039.1626
24-07-2024 1038.4388
23-07-2024 1038.1059
22-07-2024 1038.2003
19-07-2024 1039.7397
18-07-2024 1039.487
16-07-2024 1038.8791
15-07-2024 1038.2003
12-07-2024 1038.9735
11-07-2024 1038.8944
10-07-2024 1038.711
09-07-2024 1038.5328
08-07-2024 1038.2003
05-07-2024 1039.8076
04-07-2024 1039.4308
03-07-2024 1038.9366
02-07-2024 1038.6453
01-07-2024 1038.2003
28-06-2024 1038.4112
27-06-2024 1038.2004
26-06-2024 1038.1679
25-06-2024 1038.4156
24-06-2024 1038.2003
21-06-2024 1039.2501
20-06-2024 1038.8518
19-06-2024 1038.5982
18-06-2024 1038.2003
14-06-2024 1039.3996
13-06-2024 1039.2256
12-06-2024 1038.7681
11-06-2024 1038.5184
10-06-2024 1038.2003
07-06-2024 1038.188
06-06-2024 1037.8315
05-06-2024 1037.0158
04-06-2024 1036.4316
03-06-2024 1038.2003
31-05-2024 1038.5287
30-05-2024 1038.2872
29-05-2024 1038.1296
28-05-2024 1038.1753
27-05-2024 1038.2003
24-05-2024 1039.2926
22-05-2024 1038.7131
21-05-2024 1038.2003
17-05-2024 1039.8341
16-05-2024 1039.8319
15-05-2024 1039.2112
14-05-2024 1038.5297
13-05-2024 1038.2003
10-05-2024 1038.6906
09-05-2024 1038.1999
08-05-2024 1038.2679
07-05-2024 1038.449
06-05-2024 1038.2003
03-05-2024 1039.2654
02-05-2024 1039.0334
30-04-2024 1038.3897
29-04-2024 1038.2003
26-04-2024 1038.6239
25-04-2024 1038.4531
24-04-2024 1038.3193
23-04-2024 1038.2534
22-04-2024 1038.2003
19-04-2024 1038.0571
18-04-2024 1038.6035
16-04-2024 1038.1113
15-04-2024 1038.2003
12-04-2024 1038.393
10-04-2024 1038.6725
08-04-2024 1038.2003
05-04-2024 1038.877
04-04-2024 1038.7502
03-04-2024 1038.683
02-04-2024 1038.2003
31-03-2024 1040.2874
28-03-2024 1039.7356
27-03-2024 1038.3701
26-03-2024 1038.2003

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